Sunday, 22 December 2013

Urgently Needing Carers to add to Existing Team

Our team of dog carers in South Yorkshire and North Nottinghamshire are wonderful.  They are reliable and trustworthy and all are genuine dog lovers. If they weren't they wouldn't do the job because we can't offer them vast amounts of money.  Basically they get a nominal fee for the sheer pleasure of borrowing someone's dog for a short while.

Some carers stay for a few months and others for years.  As lives and peoples commitments change we inevitably lose a few along the way. Just recently I have lost two carers and potentially a third, which although the circumstances for them have changed for the better has made me feel a little sad.

It is our quiet time of year now but I would like to get a couple of new carers established before the February and Easter rush starts.  So I am on the lookout for people who live in the S35, S61 and S74 areas of South Yorkshire who would like to look after a dog in their own home.

Caring for Dogs - Part-Time Self-Employed Seasonal Work 

Are you a genuine dog lover? Would you like to care for a dog in your own home while the owners are away? The dog would come to stay with you for a short stay.

The dog’s owner provides food, treats, bedding, toys etc. and you are paid a nominal daily rate for the pleasure of minding the dog.

The types of dog we get are usually small/medium breeds although we do get larger breeds from time to time. You can specify which breeds you prefer. We also get young dogs under 1 year old and elderly dogs. You will be able to meet the dog before agreeing to take it and I am always on call should any problems arise.

The school holidays are the busiest times but do we have some dogs at all times of year. You tell me when you are available. Please do not apply if you are not available in the school holidays. 


1)  You must really love dogs and have relevant personal experience, preferably as a dog owner. Dogs owned by a parent or other family members do not count.

2)  Your garden must be secure and escape proof. We would not wish to lose anyone’s dog whilst it is in your care. 

3)  No children under 5 years to live in the house. If you are likely to have other people’s children visiting they should not be allowed to visit when you have a boarded dog with you.

4)  You must be aware and tolerant of possible drooling, hair shedding and the occasional accidents that sometimes happen, when dogs are in a strange environment.

5)  You must be at home for most of the day apart from going out to the shops.

6)  If you own a dog please be aware that some owners do not want their pet to be boarded with other dogs so you may get slightly less work.  On the other hand some owners request that there is another dog for company. It is best if you don’t have a cat.

Please contact Sue Bailey on 01909-281089 for more information and an informal chat. If you do not live in South Yorkshire and are interested in working for 101 Friends for Every Dog please see the website here.

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