Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Person Specification for being a Dog Carer for 101 Friends

  1. First and foremost you MUST be a genuine dog lover
  2. Your garden must be secure and escape proof
  3. Preferably you should own no cats
  4. You may have a dog of your own but you will get more work if you haven't
  5. You must have personal experience of dogs - either owning or working with
  6. You must be at home for most of the day. Dogs cannot be left more than 3 hrs
  7. You should not mind the inevitable 'accidents' that sometimes occur 
  8. You will be available throughout school holiday periods - our busiest time
  9. There should be no children under 5 years in the household
  10. You should be active enough to walk the dogs at least twice a day
You will be looking after the dog or dogs (if from the same family) in your own home.  You will be given a care sheet so that you know the dog's normal routine and you should stick as closely to this as possible. You will not have to provide food as the owner will bring his food - in the event of you having to buy extra you will be reimbursed provided you keep the receipt.  The dog's owner will also bring his/her bedding, toys, collar and lead. 

You will be paid a nominal fee for the privilege of looking after the dog. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes and you can specify a preference for which breeds you would like to look after.  In addition, you will always get to meet the dog and its owner before taking it on.

Contact us via the website

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